
RAV’s Ben Bergquam Reports on Invasion in Lukeville, Arizona — Hundreds of Fighting-Age Men Invade Daily at This Sector Alone

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Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam stopped in Lukeville, Arizona, during his continued coverage of Biden’s historic border invasion.

Since Joe Biden entered the White House, nearly 10 million illegal aliens have entered the US through the open southern border. Record numbers came across in December, less than one year before the 2024 Presidential election, where many of them will probably vote illegally.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) told FOX News recently that Joe Biden has now allowed more illegals into the country than the total population of New Jersey, America’s 11th largest state.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported on the invasion in Lukeville, where hundreds lined up at the border to gain free entry into the United States.