High-End Brothel Frequented by Military Officers, Politicians Believed to be ‘Honeypot’ Scheme by China, Russia, South Korea
The politicians, military officers, and government contractors who visited high-end brothels in eastern Virginia and Boston may have been lured into a ‘honeypot’ scheme by Israel, Russia, China or South Korea, according to intel officials.
The Daily Mail reported:
Intelligence experts are becoming increasingly convinced that six high end brothels in the suburbs of Boston and Washington, D.C. were set up by a foreign nation as an espionage ‘honeytrap’.
They believe the brothels – allegedly masterminded by a 41-year-old South Korean woman – targeted politicians, high ranking government officials and defense contractors.
But the mystery is which country was behind the scheme. Russia, China, Korea itself, or even Israel are al seen as possibly being behind the scheme.