
EXCLUSIVE… WATCH: Police Grab Peaceful J6 Protester By The Face And Throw Him Over A Wall, Excessive Force Expert Explains Exactly How These COPS BROKE THE LAW

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Cops who used deadly force to assault non-violent demonstrators, “passive resistors,” on January 6, 2021, escalating the protest into a riot, broke the law in clear violation of the Metropolitan Police Department’s standard operating procedures.

Police killed four unarmed Americans during the riot; indiscriminately fired sting balls and rubber bullets into the massive crowd, often aimed at their heads; scores of protesters were doused in the face with CS gas and were injured by shrapnel flying from the flash grenades. In countless instances uncovered in the CCTV and police body cam footage that Congress has yet to release, police are seen ruthlessly beating unarmed protesters with their nightsticks.

Evidently the “excessive force and absolute brutality” leveled against the demonstrators protesting the coup de etat of the US government in the nation’s Capitol on January 6 was “approved or authorized by police leadership,” warns court-certified excessive force expert Steven Hill with Sponsor J6.