
Latest Epstein Documents Reveal Bill Clinton Allegedly Walked into Vanity Fair’s Office and Threatened Staff Not Write Sex Trafficking Articles About His “Good Friend” Jeffrey Epstein

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As Jim Hoft previously noted, a new trove of Giuffre v. Maxwell documents was released to the Gateway Pundit tonight Thursday night, January 4, after 6 PM.

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people as TGP’s Cristina Laila reported.

One of the bombshells in the latest documents pertains to the great lengths Clinton allegedly went to protect his pedophile friend. Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre was discussing her book in a May 2011 email with journalist Sharon Churcher when she mentioned that as she was researching Vanity Fair, she grew concerned about them writing about her.