
Shrinking Army Special Operations Is a Bad Idea for Deterring China

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1st Special Forces Group Trains with their Taiwanese Special Operations counterparts, 1st Special Forces Group Video









The most baffling Department of Defense military force structure decision of 2023 is the Army’s decision to single out the Army Special Operations community for downsizing.

Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth has announced a 3,000-position cut to Special Operations in a “redesign” of the Army Special Operations community. Chris Maier, assistant secretary of defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD SOLIC), and Ms. Wormuth have begun to artfully parse this cut as not affecting the Green Berets but focusing on “enabler” elements without further clarification.

Critical Role of ARSOC in Building Partner Capacity in Taiwan

ARSOC makes up more than half of the total structure of the entire U.S.