
J6er Jeremy Brown’s Appeal Could Have Huge 2nd Amendment Implications – Remember Master Sergeant Brown This Jan 6 Anniversary

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In December 2020, fhe FBI agents came to Jeremy Brown’s door hoping to enlist him as an operative on Jan. 6


Retired Green Beret, Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown, donated two decades of his time on Earth in service to our Nation by signing a blank check for up to and including his own life.  I myself, being a Marine Corps infantryman and combat veteran, felt it was my duty as a Marine and a journalist to tell his story after sitting through the entirety of his trial in December 2022.  I was disheartened that I was the only representative of a national publication in the courtroom as far as I could tell.

I was shocked and deeply saddened by what our own government did to this man who dedicated his life in service of it.