
Media Watchdog Finds 81 Percent of Political Late Night Jokes Targeted Conservatives in 2023

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The Media Research Center has looked at political late night entertainment in 2023 and found that 81 percent of the jokes were made at the expense of conservatives.

This isn’t surprising to anyone who has ever spent two minutes watching the Colbert show. He can’t make it through more than two or three sentences without mentioning Trump.

The reason for this is simple. These late night hosts are uncreative and they’re cowards. Conservatives are the only safe target that they know they can ridicule without getting into trouble with the left, who they fear.

FOX News reports:

Watchdog finds 81% of all political late night show jokes in 2023 targeted conservatives

A new study from the Media Research Center found that 81% of all political jokes told on major late night comedy shows in 2023 targeted conservatives.