
Ben Bergquam Spends Over an Hour on Phone Attempting to Report Credible Terror Tip From Border to ICE and DHS – Told Image of Face is Not Enough Information to Track Down Dangerous Illegal Immigrant (VIDEO)

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Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam was seemingly ignored by Homeland Security recently while trying to report a potential terrorist who was allowed into our country at the wide-open southern border.

Bergquam says he has the suspected terrorist’s face on video and a first name. However, he was told that the Department does not accept that kind of information.

The Gateway Pundit reported that an illegal alien who traveled from Iran to Jacumba, California, recently warned Ben of the Islamic terrorism and other foreign adversaries that are coming through our southern border.

“If I was governor here, I would be afraid,” the unidentified man said, noting that “all these people” coming across our borders are “military age.”

WATCH: Iranian Illegal Immigrant and Former Islamist Warns Ben Bergquam of Islamic Terrorism Coming Across the Southern Border,