
VIDEO: Wild Riot Involving Hasidic Jews and Cops Breaks Out at Historic Synagogue After Illegal “Secret” Underground Tunnel Network Linking Synagogue to Women’s Ritual Bath Is Discovered

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Credit: @RawsAlerts

 A wild riot broke out at a historic synagogue in Brooklyn, New York, after furious young Hasidic Jews tried to stop construction workers and police from using a cement truck to fill an illegal “secret tunnel” network. The Jews had dug the tunnel network six months ago to reportedly expand the synagogue and reach a nearby women’s ritual bath.

As The New York Post reported, young in their late teens and early twenties were caught tearing down wood panels and wooden support beams at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights.

One can see several men embedded inside the tunnels.

Chaos At 770: A chaotic scene at the Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights,