
JUST IN: Radical Left NY AG Letitia James and 14 Democrat State Attorneys General Sign Letter Asking Biden Regime to Ban “Military-Grade” Ammunition for Citizens

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Fifteen radical left State Attorneys General from across the nation sent a letter on Tuesday, asking the Biden Regime’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention to ban private citizens from purchasing 5.56-millimeter rounds manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant.

Instead, they want these rounds to be reserved only for the military. They must have forgotten the Founding Fathers’ intent with the Second Amendment.

New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is currently suing the NRA, ran for office on taking on the NRA and slammed the group as a “terrorist organization,” is leading this effort. Back in March 2022, a Manhattan judge blocked Letitia James’ failed attempt to shut down the National Rifle Association (NRA).