
Megyn Kelly Slams MSNBC’s Mika for Softball Interview of ‘Doctor’ Jill Biden: ‘F-ing Do Your Job!’ (VIDEO)

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During a recent episode of her podcast, Megyn Kelly throttled MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski over her softball interview of ‘Doctor’ Jill Biden.

Megyn was joined by the members of the ‘Ruthless’ podcast who correctly pointed out that Jill is a complete hypocrite for acting like Hunter Biden is being attacked by Republicans.

They point out that the images of Hunter that Jill was complaining about came directly from the laptop that Joe’s campaign claimed was a Russian disinformation operation.

Partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MEGYN KELLY: She did not ask her any hard questions. And it’s like, if you’re gonna sit there and tee it up for the First Lady to say ‘This is cruel what they’re doing to my son,’ then you better – if you actually consider yourself a journalist who criticizes other journalists – get ready for a couple of tough follow ups,