
Virginia Police Warn of Group of Serial Burglars Approaching Homes with Bouquets of Roses

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Virginia’s Fairfax County Police are warning the public about a “Rose Ruse” in which a group of serial burglars are approaching homes with bouquets of roses before breaking in and robbing them.

The department says the group has conducted at least five burglaries since December 28.

In a news release about the operation, the Fairfax County Police said, “In four of the burglaries, a woman approached the home with flowers and knocked on the door. When no one answered, she returned to an awaiting vehicle. Two men then forced entry into the home and stole valuables. The items stolen from the homes included jewelry, cash, and purses. The suspects have attempted to conceal their identities by obscuring and tampering with home surveillance cameras.”

Exposing the ploy: FCPD investigates rose ruse burglaries.