
Illinois Citizens Group Files Formal Complaint with Illinois State Board of Elections – Lost Votes, Ghost Votes, OVER 4 MILLION Possible Registration Violations: Voter Shocked to See Ballots Have Been Cast in Her Name for Years (VIDEO)

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Photo credit, M. Peterson  – Video credit, J.Zitko *with permission

Guest Post by Jack Gleason:

A couple from Illinois, Jodie and Ken Zitko, have formed a group of concerned citizens who have been analyzing the Illinois state voter database. They have found serious irregularities detailed in a formal complaint filed with Bernadette Matthews, Director of the Illinois State Board of Elections on December 21st.

Here are some of their findings after almost 2,000 hours of analysis…

  • There were over 300,000 votes from the 2020 election missing or deleted from the Illinois voter data prior to the conclusion of the Federal retention period of 22 months.
  • Over a four-year period,