
Despite Being Asked Three Times, Sanctuary City Mayor Brandon Johnson Refuses to Answer If He Will Raise Taxes to Help Pay For Biden’s Illegal Crisis (Video)

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Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson sits down with CBS 2’s Sabrina Franza

The mayor of the sanctuary city of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, is at the helm of a crisis faced by communities throughout the country brought on by Joe Biden’s broken border.

While the city hemorrhages cash, Johnson has signaled that the city is at a breaking point due to the influx of illegal aliens in the city.

In a recent appearance on CNN, Johnson was reduced to begging Biden for help, “We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent real, significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis.”

Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson says “it’s the entire country that is now at stake” if Congress doesn’t pass a “pathway to citizenship” for the millions of illegal immigrants pouring across the open southern border pic.twitter.com/v12GGsFkl3

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 27,