
New French FM Séjourné Pays Mandatory Kiev Visit to Pledge Aid as Zelensky Gears up To Meet Globalist WEF Masters in Davos

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Ukrainian FM Kuleba and French FM Séjourné.

Ukraine’s situation rapidly deteriorates in the battlefields along the frontline, with significant attrition occurring in the rear areas and major aid packages by the US and EU still stuck in a political quagmire.

But some relatively minor – yet relevant – developments have been propping fading Ukrainian hopes up.

Roughly 24 hours after British PM Rishi Sunak visited his embattled allies, now it’s recently appointed French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné who made sure that Kiev was his very first destination.

Sunak previously announced it would provide further military aid to the country over the coming year, boosting its support in the next financial year to £2.5bn, an increase of £200m on the previous two years.