
Team Trump and Kari Lake Host Meet and Greet in Independence Iowa at 3:30 PM – Lake Says Trump Will Break Records in Monday Caucus Vote Amid Blizzard and Record Cold Temperatures

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Kari Lake will appear at a meet-and-greet event with Team Trump today, one day before the Iowa Caucus, as a surrogate for President Trump to get out the vote for the Iowa Caucus on January 15.

Since early last year, Lake has made several trips to campaign for President Trump in the first Caucus state and her home state of Iowa. Many in the state even want to see her join President Trump in the White House as Vice President!

Last night, Lake posted the details for today’s event with the Buchanan GOP.

The 3:30 PM meet and greet will be held at Double A Armory at 318 8th St. SE,