
Cowardice of Late-Night Hosts Becomes Painfully Clear: Watchdog Finds What Majority of Their Political Jokes Are Really About

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Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel mocks former President Donald Trump on his late-night show.

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel mocks former President Donald Trump on his late-night show.

Late-night talk shows are a monotonous abyss of angry left-wing trolls who spew lame “jokes” that alienate half the nation.

According to a new study by the Media Research Center, a whopping 81 percent of political jokes told on major late-night talk shows in 2023 targeted conservatives.

“Throughout all of 2023, the late-night comedians told a total of 9,518 political jokes, and of these 7,729 or 81 percent were directed at someone or something on the right side of the political spectrum,” the conservative media watchdog found.

MRC analyzed all six of the major daily late-night shows from Jan. 3 through Dec. 22:

• ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”
• CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”
• CBS’ “The Late,