
The Plagiarism Wars: Business Insider Doubles Down on Accusation Against Bill Ackman’s Wife, Neri Oxman – Billionaire Warns: ‘Liability Just Goes up and Up’

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Neri Oxman and husband Bill Ackman.

The law of unintended consequences seems at play in a major way, as billionaire Hedge Fund manager and activist investor Bill Ackman is pitted against mainstream academic figures and news outlets in defense of his wife Neri Oxman.

It all started unfolding after Harvard President Claudine Gay and other University deans fell in disgrace after a catastrophic hearing in the US senate about the rampant anti-Semitism in their campuses.

Gay stick to her guns and was about to overcome the threat of dismissal, when a series of reports regarding her alleged widespread plagiarism emerged, causing her to finally resign in disgrace.

Former Harvard donor Bill Ackman was one of the main actors in the push to oust Gay,