
WATCH: Junk Scientist and Serial Liar Al Gore Makes Absurd Global Warming Prediction “Once We Get to True Net Zero”

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Global Warming fraud Al Gore made a new ‘climate change’ prediction “once we get to true net zero.”

Net-zero emissions is a front for global Communism. “Net zero” will be reached when the world completely ‘eliminates carbon emissions’ and we go back to the dark ages. Only the global elites will continue to live in their mansions, eat meat, and fly in private jets.

Al Gore made the new Global Warming prediction from Davos as he sat outside in the freezing cold weather with a snowy backdrop.

“The good news is that once we get to true net zero and stop adding, the temperatures will stop going up almost immediately, with a lag of as little as three years,” Al Gore said without providing any evidence whatsoever to back up his new timeline.