
Biden Hammered for His ‘Unconscionable War’ on Faith

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This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘It will be up to the courts to set him straight’

A prominent publication in Washington is calling out Joe Biden for his “unconscionable war” on religious freedom in American, one of those freedoms protected by the First Amendment.

“It will be up to the courts to set Biden straight,” explained the Washington Examiner.

“It shouldn’t have to come to that, but that is where we are.”

The commentary cited Biden’s continued “methodical war against people of faith” in his pursuit just last week by his Department of Health and Human Services of a rule “rescinding conscience protections for doctors and nurses who are forced by their employers to perform procedures that violate their beliefs.”

“At a time when many states are mandating healthcare professionals perform highly controversial procedures such as abortion,