
Tucker Carlson Episode 65: What Do Results in Iowa Mean? – Nikki Haley Is a Committed Neoliberal (VIDEO)

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President Donald Trump scored the greatest Republican caucus win in history on Monday night defeating the next closest Republican, Governor Ron DeSantis, by 30 points.

President Trump won 98 of the 99 Iowa counties last night in the Iowa Republican Caucus. A Blowout.

On Tuesday morning, Tucker Carlson weighed in on Trump’s historic win in the Hawkeye state.

Tucker Carlson, Episode 65.

Tucker Carlson: What would happen if we held an election the way that Americans used to do it just a few years ago? We should try that sometime. Here s how it would work. Everyone would vote on the same day in person. You would show up and present an id, just like you do at the airport or the liquor store.