
VIDEO: Illegal Alien African Muslims Pray to Mecca After Crossing Joe Biden’s Open US Border in Lukeville, Arizona

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Illegal aliens pray at the border in Lukeville, Arizona.

In November, FBI Director Chris Wray warned about possible terror attacks by radical Islamists following the Hamas massacre in Israel.

If Chris Wray were serious about attacks by radical Muslims he would insist we have a secure border.

But he’s obviously not serious. The border is wide open.

Millions of aliens have crossed into the US under Joe Biden. We have no idea who they are, where they came from, what organizations they may be part of.
This is national suicide.

In November we posted one of Jeff Rainforth’s earlier reports.

BORDER VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Muslims Pray at the Border After Crossing into the US through Joe Biden’s Open Border (VIDEO)

Investigative journalist Jeff Rainforth released his latest report from the open US border in Lukeville,