
Fani Willis’ Case Is So Tainted By Self-Dealing and Impropriety That The Entire Case Must Be Dismissed Without Prejudice

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The Fani Fish Rots From The Head Down, Requiring Intervention By The Governor’s Office

Startling revelations out of Fani Willis’ office suggesting an improper romantic relationship giving rise to an irremediable conflict of interest between Georgia’s District Attorney and the special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, should result in the entire case’s dismissal, without prejudice.

The allegations of impropriety between Willis and Wade, whom Willis’ team contracted in November of 2021, are legion, and include not only an inappropriate romantic relationship, but also serious allegations of self-dealing that involves Willis abusing her public office for lavish vacations, federal funding, and myriad other ethics violations.

The fiery allegations percolated to the surface after Mike Roman, one of the 17 co-defendants implicated in the Willis indictment,