
The Ladies of ‘The View’ Have Total Meltdown Over Trump’s Iowa Victory, Shame Voters and Downplay the Significance (VIDEO)

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The people of Iowa have done it now. Joy Behar and the other hosts of ‘The View’ are very disappointed that Republicans in Iowa exercised their right to vote for their candidate of choice, Donald Trump.

Sara Haines downplayed the historic aspects of Trump’s caucus win, while Behar called Trump a rapist and ‘grand wizard’ implying that he is a member of the KKK.

The View is easily the most toxic show on television.

NewsBusters reports:

Insisting that she was still a “proud Iowan,” co-host Sara Haines proclaimed “It’s disappointing as a non-Trump supporter to see that” Trump won the Iowa Caucus Monday night. She also asserted that the results really didn’t mean anything because such a small slice of the electorate decided to participate:

Only five percent of the population of the state caucuses so when you see Iowa swept or Trump swept Iowa,