
WATCH LIVE: Trump ICE Director Tom Homan to Testify at House Oversight Hearing Titled The Biden Administration’s Regulatory and Policymaking Efforts to Undermine U.S. Immigration Law – 10 AM ET

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The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will hold a hearing on the Biden Border Crisis with testimony from former ICE Director Tom Homan, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill, and U.S. Citizenship and former Immigration Services Chief Counsel Joseph Edlow.

“The hearing will examine how the Biden Administration has engaged in a regulatory and policymaking onslaught against the rule of U.S. immigration law,” according to a press release.

Joe Biden’s open border policies of transporting illegals across the country to a city of their choosing and allowing them to stay are destroying America. Joe Biden is currently suing Texas Governor Greg Abbott for attempting to install razor wire at the border and enforce newly passed state laws that require illegals to be arrested and deported.