
NH Representatives File Bill To Stop Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and Other Forms of Weather Engineering Experiments such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) in New Hampshire’s Atmosphere

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Guest post by New Hampshire Representative Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19

Two motivated NH House Representatives, Jason Gerhard, Merrimack – District 25, and Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19, have introduced “The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act” NH House Bill (HB) 1700. Click here to learn more about the bill. 

The three-page bill establishes regulations to prevent the intentional release of polluting and harmful emissions into New Hampshire’s atmosphere. This bill aims to bring forward a subject many experts have warned us about for years, as well as the necessary transparency for NH citizens so we can educate and unite to stop this destructive environmental onslaught we are experiencing.

“We already have legislation passed in 2021 that should inform the public when this occurs,