
“This is What Personal Racism is”- Far-Left Democrat Congresswoman Shares Dubious Story ‘Revealing’ How a White Man Discriminated Against Her and is Compared to Jussie Smollett (VIDEO)

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Credit: @kaitlancollins screenshot

A radical congresswoman from California went on CNN last night and shared a tale of racism that is leading many to compare her to infamous actor Jussie Smollett.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) was brought on The Source with Kaitlin Collins to respond to remarks made by Nikki Haley regarding discrimination. Nikki Haley earlier this week said that America is not, nor has ever been, a racist country and there is too much “self-loathing.”

Lee began by spreading the myth of “systemic racism” and blaming it for the plight of minority groups in America, including Native Americans and Blacks. Then she told a “personal story,” supposedly revealing how a white man discriminated against her as she was going to vote.