
UK’s Rishi Sunak Quells Tory Rebellion as MPs Approve His Plan To Send Migrants to Rwanda – Bill Now Faces Stiff Opposition in the House of Lords

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The ‘migrants to Rwanda’ soap opera had another exciting chapter in the last couple of days, but it doesn’t seem like it’ll be over any time soon.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak managed to score a win, as dozens of Tories who thought the Rwanda bill was flawed and had threatened to rebel ended up backing the bill in the lower house of Parliament.

BBC reported:

“Rishi Sunak has succeeded in getting his key Rwanda bill through the House of Commons after a Tory rebellion failed to materialize. The bill, which aims to stop legal challenges against ministers’ plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, was approved by 320 votes to 276 votes.”

In the end,