
Moms for Liberty Founder Destroys Joy Reid During Attempted ‘Gotcha’ Interview on Banned LGBTQ Books and Parental Rights (VIDEO)

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Screenshot: MSNBC/Youtube

Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, showcased a formidable display of wit and knowledge, effectively destroying MSNBC host Joy Reid, one of America’s poster children for stupidity, over the issue of parental rights and book banning in schools.

Reid opened the segment by questioning whether LGBTQ and liberal parents have the same parental rights as others, to which Justice responded affirmatively, stating that “every parent means every parent has the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children.”

The dialogue immediately moved to the heart of the issue: explicit and graphic sexual content found in some books.

Justice argued that no books were being banned but rather removed from public school libraries, drawing a parallel with the restriction of certain internet sites in schools.