
$5 Million Down the Drain: Asheville Grapples with Idle Electric Buses Due to Technical Flaws

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Asheville’s ambitious leap into eco-friendly transportation has morphed into a financial sinkhole and a source of frustration for city officials.

In 2018, the city heralded the purchase of five state-of-the-art electric buses, each with a price tag of over $616,796, abc13 News reported.

Fast forward to today, and this green dream has morphed into a financial nightmare, with most of the fleet idled due to a series of almost unbelievable misfortunes.

Interim Transportation Director Jessica Morriss reported that three of the five buses are currently inoperative, with one bus sidelined by a malfunctioning double door since July.

“We haven’t been able to get new doors,” Asheville’s interim transportation director Jessica Morriss told abc13 News.