
Another Sex Scandal: New Orleans Democrat Mayor LaToya Cantrell Faces FBI Investigation Over Alleged Relationship with Her Married Bodyguard and Misuse of Taxpayer-funded Dubai Trip

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The Democrat mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, is currently under FBI investigation for allegations of an ‘ongoing adulterous affair’ with Jeffrey Vappie, the former head of her police detail, and potential misuse of taxpayer funds, according to the Daily Mail.

The FBI is scrutinizing the mayor’s actions, including her time spent with Vappie on city property and during personal trips funded by the government.

Security footage has allegedly captured Mayor Cantrell and Vappie spending extensive periods together in a city-owned apartment during work hours, raising questions about the nature of their relationship.

Photo: fox8live

This revelation comes amidst an investigation into Vappie’s work hours and activities.

Last year,