
Conservative Playwright David Mamet Says ‘Trump Was the Best President Since Abraham Lincoln’ And Predicts He’ll Win the 2024 Election (VIDEO)

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David Mamet is one of America’s greatest living playwrights and he is also a conservative. He wasn’t always a man of the right, but he went through a political transformation in the 2010s.

Mamet is a big fan of Donald Trump and he recently talked about it with a member of the press.

You have to give Mamet credit. He works in an incredibly leftist field, but it doesn’t cause him to censor himself at all. He speaks what he believes fearlessly.

Hollywood in Toto has details:

Once Mamet penned his infamous 2008 Village Voice piece entitled, “Why I Am No Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal,” Hollywood and the Left viewed him differently…

That means his recent comments at unHerd.com won’t do serious damage to his Hollywood career.