
Four Republicans Join Democrats — Back Crushing Energy Tax on America’s Poor and Middle Class

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These four Republican Senators: Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Sen. John Boozmen (R-AR), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Sen. Cynthia Loomis (R-WY) joined Democrats to pass a crushing energy tax on the American poor and middle class families.

While you were sleeping Senate Republicans, led by Senator James Lankford from Oklahoma announced plans for a mass amnesty and open border plan with Democrats. Under their plan the US border would be essentially eliminated for good, up to 5,000 illegals will be allowed to walk into the US every day and receive taxpayer-funded benefits and mass amnesty would take place. What’s not to love?

Also last week four Republican Senators voted to back the Democrat’s crushing energy tax on America’s poor and middle class.