
Gateway: Beyond the Headlines 1/22/24 — Ingrassia on Soros’ Controversial Tweets; Avila Critiques Biden’s ‘Dream Team’; Robinson Uncovers Dominion Hacking; Carbon Tax Debate Heats Up; Free Speech Price Tag Revealed – 8:00 PM ET

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Tonight, New Hampshire is gearing up for its primary tomorrow – and they’re going wild. And since DeSantis dropped out, has President Trump’s tone toward the Florida governor shifted? Finally, more chatter about who will be Trump’s running mate. Will Robert Kennedy become our next Vice President?

Then, Paul Ingrassia, Constitutional Attorney and Claremont Fellow, joins Ivory to discuss Alex Soros’ tweets suggesting crime and inflation are fixed – and we examine photos from the billionaire’s son, which some on social media are suggesting is a thinly veiled assassination threat.

Next, Victor Avila, Congressional candidate (TX-23), joins the show to discuss how he believes Biden’s “dream team” is more like a nightmare – and even liberal Sen.