
WAYNE ROOT: I Say Out Loud What Others Only Whisper: Is There Any Patriot in America Who Isn’t Thinking Supreme Court Justices are Being Bribed, or Blackmailed?

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By Wayne Allyn Root

C’mon. Admit It. You know you’re thinking the same thing. It’s so obvious. It’s just common sense. Anyone who isn’t at least wondering is a naïve fool.

I grew up in an all-Italian mafia neighborhood in New York. I know when the fix is in. I know when someone has taken a bribe. I know when the mafia has got their “hooks” into someone.

Something is wrong with our United States Supreme Court. Something smells to high heaven. Something is “hinkey.” Someone is being bribed, threatened, intimidated, or extorted.

This just isn’t normal. It makes no sense. Conservatives have the edge. Not just 5-4…but a safe, overwhelming 6-3 edge.