
SHOCKING VIDEO: The Gateway Pundit Reporter Cara Castronuova ASSAULTED By Government Agent While Questioning Cowardly DOJ Prosecutor (VIDEO)

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After violent J6 cop Lila Morris testified in court yesterday at J6 defendant Luke Coffee’s trial, we waited outside to catch her on her way out of the courthouse. The second Morris left the courtroom she was flanked by a group of what appeared to be approximately five federal agents and attorneys. 

Officer Lila Morris is famous for beating an unconscious Rosanne Boyland repeatedly with a police stick until is broke while Rosanne lay dying on the Capitol steps on January 6, 2021. Cara Castronuova was the first reporter to identify Lia Morris as the abusive cop who beat the dying woman without cause.

The Gateway Pundit waited outside to interview her about her alleged assault of Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland,