
“They’re Going to Go Through Her Record in South Carolina and NOT Just Her Political Record” – Steve Bannon Warns Haley What’s Coming Next

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Steve Bannon went off on Nikki Haley following her disgusting attacks on President Trump following her bitter loss in New Hampshire last night.

President Trump handily won the New Hampshire primary. The race was called within minutes of the polls closing.

Following her defeat Nikki vowed to continue her fight to damage President Trump in the general election. 70% of her votes last night were from non-Republicans! That tells you everything.

Bannon warned Neocon Nikki what’s coming next.

Steve Bannon: The sovereignty of her citizen, sovereignty of her territory, the territorial integrity, no, that’s about the southern border of the United States of America. That’s what we care about. And right now because a couple of things are happening and so after New Hampshire,