
‘F*** OFF’: UK Zoo Deals With ‘The Curse of the Cursing Parrots’

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Five African grey parrots were united by fate. They were formerly all domestic pets, and each came from a different household.

They were all gathered by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park. And, as they say… birds of a feather… they all turned out to be extremely foul-mouthed – or is it fowl-mouthed?

Some say these birds need to wash their beaks out with soap.

Now, the park has hatched new plan to stop their potty-mouthed parrots – who are now eight – from cursing, telling zoo visitors to “f*** off.”

New York Post reported:

“Lincolnshire Wildlife Park revealed they are taking eight cuss-happy African Grey parrots — including five who went viral in 2020 — and grouping them with 92 “non-swearing” birds to improve their language.