
Top UK General Says Civilians Will Have To Be Conscripted Into a ‘Citizen’s Army’ To Fight Major War Against Russia

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The war-mongering in Europe has gone into overdrive, with military chiefs sounding the alarm to ‘imaginary wars’, trying to drum up support for Ukraine and to hypercharge Russophobia as the patience of the citizens in general with this conflict narrative has greatly diminished.

Now, the top UK general says they live in a ‘pre-war’ scenario, and insists that only ‘citizen armies’ will be able to defeat the coming Russian avalanche to disrupt the Western societies.

The head of the British army alerted UK citizens to be prepared for a war fought on the scale of the great conflicts of the 20th Century – and that they may need to be mobilized.

Euronews reported:

“Speaking at the International Armored Vehicles exhibition in London,