
Letter From Former Homeland Security Officials Warns of Terror Attacks in America Because of Biden’s Open Border

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Former national security experts and federal law enforcement officials sent a letter to Congress this month warning of possible terrorist attacks in the United States due to Joe Biden’s open border.

This is a point that has been made by many people, especially since the terror attacks in Israel on October 7th.

There could be terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. right now made up of people who walked right across our border. How would we even know?

Townhall reports:

Chilling Letter Warns of 10/7-Style Attack by Illegal Immigrants Inside the United States

In a chilling letter to congressional leaders dated January 17, former federal law enforcement and national security officials spell out the danger of Biden’s open border that “arises from the nature of the threat itself.”

“Wars and espionage and bombings and riots are sadly familiar delivery systems of instability,