
REPORT: The FBI Has Lowered Hiring Standards in Ridiculous Ways Due to Woke Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies used to be relegated to liberal college campuses, but in recent years they have infected virtually every aspect of life in America.

These policies are divisive and often racist. Progressives who advance this ideology are taking the country backwards and can’t even see it.

In the case of government agencies, particularly when it comes to law enforcement, these policies should be completely rejected, but instead are embraced. in the case of the FBI, these policies are causing the bureau to lower their standards in ways which seem beyond parody.

The Daily Caller reports:

FBI Hired Barely Literate Candidates, Urged Fat Applicant To Continue Process, Report Alleges

The FBI is reducing hiring standards to the point where it is considering overweight applicants and hiring barely literate agents,