
New Poll Finds Voters Think the Term ‘Bidenomics’ Could Actually Help Trump Win the Election

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The term ‘Bidenomics’ is politically toxic. We have known this for months. The Biden White House has been running away from the term because they know it’s a loser.

According to new polling from Rasmussen, the term is such a loser that voters think it could actually help Trump win the election in November.

How’s that for irony?

The Washington Examiner reports:

Voters: ‘Bidenomics’ a loser, will help Trump win

America’s voters view the White House term “Bidenomics” negatively and believe that President Joe Biden’s touting of it will actually help former President Donald Trump win in the fall election.

A risky strategy from the start since similar phrases such as “Reaganomics” were used against the sitting president,