
Black Voters in South Carolina Turn on Joe Biden Ahead of Democrat Primary (VIDEO)

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Black voters in South Carolina are turning on Joe Biden ahead of the Democrat primaries set for February 3.

“Biden just wants to cause more bills for everybody, and he’s got a lot of homeless people out here,” one black South Carolina voter told the media of Joe Biden losing support among blacks.

“It ain’t the Black community — it’s everybody’s community,” he said.

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, a poll released last month by Morning Consult shows Joe Biden losing support among black voters while President Trump is gaining support. Over the past year, Biden is down nine points, from 70 to 61 percent while Trump is up seven points, 15 to 22 percent


Black voters in South Carolina turn on Biden:

“Biden just wants to cause more bills for everybody.” pic.twitter.com/F8nYyVXK1w

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 27,