
Buttigieg Says He Was “Shocked” By How Controversial it Was When He Talked About How Highways are Racist (VIDEO)

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Small town mayor-turned-Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said he was “shocked by how controversial it was” when he talked about how highways are “racist.”

Buttigieg, one of the most incompetent people serving in Biden’s Cabinet (and that’s saying a lot), previously appeared on MSNBC’s Politics Nation to discuss racist roads with host Al Sharpton.

Buttigieg told Al Sharpton that traffic fatalities happen because of racism and discrimination.

“We’ve got a crisis when it comes to roadway fatalities in America,” Buttigieg said. “We lose about 40,000 people every year. It’s a level that is comparable to gun violence – and we see a lot of racial disparities. Black and brown Americans and tribal citizens and rural residents are much more likely to lose their lives…”

Buttigieg continued,