
Con-Woman Who Bilked US Army Out of $100 Million Meant for Military Families and Kids Will Keep Her Military Retirement Benefits

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Janet Mello, 57, biled the US Army of millions she said was for military families and kids. She was able to retire from her civil service job with full benefits during investigation of her shell company. screengrab

Janet Mello, the multi-millionaire con-woman who biled the US Army out of over $100 million meant for military families and their children will keep her full military retirement benefits.

Mellow is accused of using ill-gotten money to buy 80 supercars and 31 homes. The money was meant to help military families and kids. Mellow had homes in Colorado, New Mexico, Maryland, and Washington.

The Daily Mail reported:

A millionaire conwoman accused of scamming the US Army out of $100million has been allowed to retire with full benefits – despite being under criminal investigation.