
Media Hypes Taylor Swift’s Potential Influence on 2024 Election Outcome, Despite Polls Showing Just 18% More Likely to Support Her Endorsed Candidate

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Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP via Getty Images

A new poll suggests that pop icon Taylor Swift could hold sway over the 2024 presidential election.

Despite this, the numbers reveal a more nuanced reality, with only a modest 18% of voters indicating they would be swayed by her endorsement.

The survey, conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek, highlighted that while a segment of the electorate might lean towards a Swift-endorsed candidate, there’s another 17% that would be less likely to give their vote under the same circumstances.

However, the majority of voters, 55%, reported their voting decision would remain unaffected by Swift’s political preferences.

The poll suggests Swift’s endorsement could particularly resonate with the younger demographic.