
Pope Francis Says Africans Are a ‘Special Case’ in Their Fierce Rejection of ‘Same-Sex Blessings’ – Labels Other Opponents as ‘Small Groups’ That Must Be Ignored

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Globalist Pope Francis is still trying to normalize his train-wreck document Fiducia Suplicans, that prompted negative reactions from hundreds of Conservative bishops all over the world.

While in central and eastern Europe the idea of priests blessing same-sex unions was met with fierce rejection, nothing compares with the Earthquake that shook Catholic Church in Africa.

Being forever preoccupied with the political correctness of his every move, Francis decided to give African prelates some special consideration in the controversy that he created.

Read: Pope Francis’ ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ a Failure of Biblical Proportions – Writer Is Controversial Bishop Accused of Covering up Sexual Abuse Allegations in His Diocese

In an interview published today (29),