
“Transition Integrity Project” of Rabid Leftists and Unhinged Trump-Haters Is Back – Undemocratic Group Hopes to Prevent Trump from Entering Office Again

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President Trump and the men who worked to lie, cheat, and overthrow his administration.

In a recent pair of articles on Racket News, “Twitter Files” reporter Matt Taibbi revealed the left’s plan to prevent the election of Donald J. Trump in 2024, and to usurp the power of the people.

Taibbi explains how the Marxist left and their Trump-hating cohorts are using the “Transition Integrity Project” (TIP) plans to keep President Trump from office in 2025.

The Gateway Pundit discussed this secretive group numerous times.  Contributor Joe Hoft wrote about the group in September 2020.

We first heard about the Transition “Integrity” Project after the 2016 election. Joshua Klein at Brietbart writes:

Shortly after President Donald Trump’s 2016 inauguration,