
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Grassroots Hero Scott Presler Discusses His Voter Turnout Efforts, Says He Expects to Flip The Pennsylvania State House From Blue to Red Without Help From The RNC!

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Conservative grassroots activist Scott Presler spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Monday at Turning Point Action’s Restoring National Confidence Summit to discuss his heroic efforts in increasing Republican voter registration and turnout.

Turning Point Action’s event, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, two days before the 2024 RNC Winter Meeting, had hundreds of County GOP Chairmembers and RNC voting members in attendance and featured presentations on election fraud and how the grassroots GOP can get out the vote. This is far more than the do-nothing RNC is expected to do at their meeting later this week.

Unlike grassroots Republicans across America, the RNC, under Ronna Romney McDaniel’s leadership, doesn’t care about winning or ensuring honest elections.

Watch our exclusive interview from the Summit,