
EU Finally Approves New Ukraine Aid – Did Orbán Fold, Or Did He Get the Concessions He Wanted?

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The European Union has finally managed to approve 50 billion Euros ($54 billion) in new aid to Ukraine, to be paid on the course of the next 3 years.

While that does give Ukraine somewhat of a life-line in their floundering war effort, the MSM chose to focus their coverage, instead, on the fact that the decision would be a big defeat for Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán.

But was it, really? Let’s examine: Orbán wanted the aid to be paid in yearly tranches, not upfront (check), he wanted the EU to re-discuss it every year (check), wanted the aid decision to be reviewed in 2 years (check).

Sounds like he got it all. There were also other promises of a more symbolic nature.